Welcome to my world!

Fiona Redden

Health and Wellness Lifestyle Advocate!

This is where I share information about health and wellness. I will also share my journey as I work on improving my body, mind, and emotions. I also love self-love and wanting to help others to learn to love themselves.

My dream for the next five years: I want to be able to leave my retail job behind, be my own boss, take control of my life, dance to my heart’s content, and build memories with my family. I am also going to be publishing a series in young adult and share my stories. I will live at the beach and visit Korea! I want to start a branch there and get a chance to experience that culture while helping.

After not doing much dancing for over fifteen years, I am self teaching myself the choreography of Puzzle by SF9 while building my strength and flexibility to be able to start and stick to pole dancing. I did a 6 classes back over three years ago and it felt incredible to have such strength and control over my body. I want to feel like that once more. The movement part of my health and wellness journey will be pole dancing, and learning other fun dances to share. My goal would be to do a collab with Yoo Tae-yang.

I am using the stretchit app to help me build my flexibility and currently doing their 90 day boot camp challenge.

Day One:

I am still working on convincing my husband to put up my dancing pole because last time he did, I didn’t use it. I have a dream and a goal now and I plan on doing it! So hopefully I can post pictures of my beginning to how I am doing.

Along the way I am using Doterra Essential Oils to help support my body, my emotions, my mind, and my family. I am using the products to help me succeed and to live a healthier lifestyle and not struggle when I get older.

Did you know in Canada, a company selling essential oils only needs 5% of the “specific” oil in a bottle to be considered “Natural”! The rest can be filled with a carrier oil, a mixed oil, synthetic materials, or water, and so much more. For this reason I can not stress enough to make sure everyone reads the label and do their research upon using a certain name brand of oil. Some are not safe to take internally or even put on your skin. Please inquire before use and be mindful with what you are dealing with.

I work with Doterra Oils which are in fact 100% pure oils and are tested by 3rd party companies to ensure they are. I can guarantee their quality, potency and safety when using these oils. Everything I talk about on this site is based on the educational and quality support that Doterra has to ensure their customers get the very best. With this in mind lets jump right in.

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